Trip Information


Detatiled access maps between Kansai International Airport and each hotel as well as the venue and each hotel.


We recommend several hotels for participants. The listed prices are applied for only participants booked through IAP2008 office. The reservation is accepted in order of arrival. Using these hotels, please download and fill in each reservation form, then e-mail it with the subject to be "Accommodation" by April 15 to :

Kyoto map
Room type Room rate (JPY) Breakfast Transport to the venue Form T/C
Kyoto Kokusai Hotel NO VACANCY
Horikawadori Nijojomae,Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8502
Single 9,500 with breakfast IAP shuttle bus D/L US$
£, €
Twin 15,000
Hotel Gimmond Kyoto NO VACANCY
Takakura-Oike-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto 604-8105
Single 7,700 with breakfast *public transport D/L US$
£, €
Twin 13,400
Kyoto Gion Hotel NO VACANCY
555 Minamigawa, Gionmachi, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto 605-0074
Single 8,000 with breakfast *public transport D/L -
Twin 14,000
Higashi-yama Sanjo Hotel NO VACANCY
2-49-2 Higashihairu, Sanjo-Ohashi, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto 605-0001
Twin 13,000 without breakfast *public transport D/L -
Twin (single use) 7,000
Univ. Facilities - Kyoto Daigaku Kaikan NO VACANCY
15-9 Yoshida-Kawaramachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8305
Single 5,900 without breakfast five minutes walk D/L -
Twin 10,500
Twin (single use) 6,900
* The organizing committee will provide free bus pass from June 2 to 4 for all conference participants.
kyoto pic