
IAP is a successful series of conferences that was started in Wageningen (The Netherlands, 1997) and was followed up in Miskolc (Hungary, 2002), Jülich (Germany, 2004) , and Granada (Spain, 2006) . The aim of these conferences is toprovide a forum for scientists working on colloids and surfaces in relation to natural environments, environmental protection and remediation. Insight into fundamental aspects is very useful to broaden the interdisciplinary discussion. Such interaction between scientists is becoming more and more important for solving the environmental problems. The Kyoto IAP meeting will be a new milestone in this field.

The main topics to be covered are

  1. Interfaces of natural substances (minerals, clays, humic substances, volcanic ash soils, microorganisms, charcoal and so on)
  2. Transport, adsorption and reaction in porous materials (nano-pore, meso-pore, membrane, soil ---)
  3. Control and dynamics of interfaces modified by surfactants and polymers.
  4. Modeling of adsorption at complex interfaces.
  5. Measurement techniques and practical applications of remediation
  6. Soft matter in environment.

Whatever your field of interest may be, we will welcome your participation in this interdisciplinary world of colloids, interfaces and the environment. Don't hesitate to join us at IAP2008 to interact with scientists from all over the world.

Hiroyuki OHSHIMA, Chairman of IAP2008

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