
Digital Spring School in Bio-resources and Environmental Engineering (DSSBEE2022)

Digital Spring School in Bio-resources and Environmental Engineering (DSSBEE2022) will be held on 7th-11th March 2022.

               (Click to download flyer)

Network of Ph-D study in Bio-resources and Environmental Engineering

  In order to establish an excellent cyber network for Ph-D study in the domain of Bio-Resource and Environmental Engineering, we are proposing a Web-base educational program including on cite connections. In DSSBEE2022, we will review the current activities and reaching points of each fields including the discussion for future of all. One of purpose of this program is to share the real time experience by cite connection by all network participants belonging to different institute of various countries. Using this occasion, we would like to explore the possibility to organize a collaborative program by connecting different institutes on line. By this way, we can support each other by utilizing each strong point of joined institutes which are rather complement. We believe that Asian countries of same time domain have big potential to organize unique curriculum by developing our own science and engineering education. This strategy must be a big measure against situation of pandemic and will open the way to future.
Date/Time 7th-11th March 2022
Venue Online meeting (Zoom)
Organizing Committee
Auspices & Relating Events
How to join

(Click to jump)
Program Current Topics / Lab. and Curriculum Introduction / Propose for Future Developments/
(Detail of Program of DSSBEE2022 is under the construction.
all programs are carried out on-line in the afternoon of the second week of March.)
Mar.7 Food & Bio-material, Forest Product








Biomaterial Session (Held at the same time with Food sesion)

Degree programs and how to join, and overview of studies in paper device and eco-friendy materials laboratory
  Toshiharu Enomae, Professor, University of Tsukuba
Utilization of Biomaterials for Water Purification: Dyes, Heavy Metals, and Pharmaceuticals
  Lusi Ernawati, Lecturer, Institute of Technology Kalimantan
Food packaging waste valorization: from waste to advanced materials
  Abdul Halim, Lecturer, Universitas Internasional Semen Indonesia
Development of modification Polycaprolactone by using Maleic Anhydride with high percentage grafting
  Thangunpai Kotchaporn, PhD candidate, University of Tsukuba
Biomass utilization in pulping and papermaking
  Kuntinee Suvarnakich, Lecturer, Chulalongkorn University
Preparation of antimicrobial β-cyclodextrin microcapsules for food packaging using Houttuynia cordata Thunb. Extract
  Peifu Kong, MSc candidate, University of Tsukuba
DNA Analysis of Broussonetia papyrifera, a fiber source of Japanese Traditional Paper
  Min-Soo Shin, Bachelor candidate, University of Tsukuba
    (Click to download flyer)





Food Session (Held at the same time with Biomaterial sesion)

Today’s Issues to Achieve Sustainable Growth Including Food, Environment and Energy - Based on My 50 Years’ Experience.
  Toshinori KIMURA, Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido University, Former: Professor, Fac. Life & Env. Sciences, U. Tsukuba
Sustainable Development of Seaweed Industry in Indonesia.
  Tuwo AMBO, Fac. Marine Sci. Fish., Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Overview of Foreign Students at Tokyo U. Mar. Sci. Tech.
  Shingo MATSUKAWA, Dep. Food Sci. Technol., Tokyo Univ. Marine Sci. Technol.
Biorefinery Models for the Valorization of Bioresources Foreseeing Food Application.
  Noamane TAARJI, MSc in Biotechnology, Cadi Ayyad Univ., Morocco, PhD in Food Innovation, Life Sci. Innov. Progr., U. Tsukuba
Encapsulation and Stability Evaluation of Essential Oils.
  Sana YAKOUBI, PhD, Aromatic & Med. Plant Lab. CBBC, Tunisia

    (Click to download flyer)
Mar.8 Special Event Session: Signing Ceremony of MOU between ITK and UT
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/93497153493?pwd=djF4ZFRjUkNCa2oxWDJYZ1JhT0o4Zz09#success
JST(Kalimantan time)





Report on collaborative activities that have been initiated between Institute of Technology, Kalimantan and University of Tsukuba
Dr. Lusi Ernawati, Lecturer, Institute of Technology, Kalimantan, Indonesia
Greeting message
  Dr. Budi Santosa, Rector, Institute of Technology, Kalimantan, Indonesia
Greeting message
  Dr. Caroline Fern Benton, Vice-president , University of Tsukuba, Japan
Signing followed by photo session
  Dr. Budi Santosa, Rector of ITK
Signed already
(Not available for this ceremony due to a mandatory meeting)
  Dr. Kyosuke Nagata, President, University of Tsukuba, Japan


    (Click to download flyer)
Mar.8 Soil Colloid, Water & Waste water, Bio-engineering





Opening remark | Adachi

1st session | Yamashita & Hongtao
  13:00 Researches for agricultural soil and water management in NIRE
          Teruhito Miyamoto, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
  13:15 Soil erodibility from the viewpoint of soil colloidal properties
          Atsushi Yamaguchi, Utsunomiya University(JSPS fellow)
  13:30 Introduction of Bio-flocculation Seminar toward TGSW
          Yasuhisa Adachi
2nd session | Oviyanti & Rofiq
  13:45 Introduction of UNPAD and Soil remediation
          Reginawanti Hindersah, Padjadjaran University
  14:15 Electrokinetic and Ultrasonic Process For Treating Low Permeability Contaminated Soil
          Marita Wulandari, Dr, Institute of Technology Bandung
  14:30 Characteristics of Raw Water in Indonesia and Bioflocculant Synthesis for Drinking Water Treatment
          Rofiq Iqbal, Institute of Technology Bandung
15:00 Core Break (Introduction VIP)
3rd session | Lei & Tian Yuan
  15:10 Aerobic granulation, wastewater treatment, research adventures, among other things...
          Norhayati Abdullah, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  15:30 Aerobic Granular Sludge in Sequencing Batch Reactor Treating Effluent from Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Reactor for POME Treatment
          Johan Syafri Mahathir Ahmad, Universitas Gadjah Mada
  16:00 Treatment of High Salinity and Antibiotic Wastewater by Algal-bacterial Aerobic Granular Sludge
          Wenli Huang, Associate Professor, Nankai University
  16:30 Zero Valent Iron Application in Anaerobic Digestion of Swine Manure
          Weiwei Huang, Associate Professor, Hainan University
4th session | Claire
  17:00 Clay Flocculation
          Claire Chassagne, Delft University of Technology
  17:30 Extracellular polymeric substances produced by bacteria
          Yuemei Lin, Delft University of Technology
  18:00 Kaumera: A novel polymer derived from wastewater treatment. Production and potential.
          Mark van Loosdrecht, Delft University of Technology
          ---> Carried out on Mar.9 18:00-19:00
Closing remark
Mar.9 Smart Agriculture, Irrigation and Drainage, Regional Design




The Trail and Development of an Air-Assisted Boom Sprayer for Fall Armyworm Control in Corn
  Yuttana Khaehanchanpong, Senior Agricultural Engineer, Department of Agriculture, Thailand
Greenhouse and Indoor Farming for Horticulture Production in Indonesia
  Supriyanto, Assistant Professor, IPB University, Indonesia
Detection and Prediction of Potential Forest Areas, Forest Productivity and Carbon Analysis Using Remote Sensing And GIS to Support Appropriate Policies in Indonesia’s Economic Recovery
  Nety Nurda, Young Expert Policy Analyst, National Resilience Institute (LEMHANNAS), Indonesia
Local Community Organization for Small Reservoir Safety Management In Vietnam
  Doan Doan Tuan, Senior Researcher, Vietnam Academy for Water Resources
Research and Development Activities on Agricultural Groundwater Resources – Recent Topics On NARO Studies
  Shuhei Yoshimoto, Senior Researcher, Institute for Rural Engineering, NARO, Japan

    (Click to download flyer)
Mar.10 Agricultural Machinery, Post Harvest Technology
Borderless Education and Research to Utilize the Biological Resources of Japan and Taiwan (Draft) -Deepening Global Degree Programs and Research Activity-









Opening speech
Outline description, Photo session
Introduction DDP with National Taiwan University
Introduction to the International college of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (English Programs and Agricultural Science)
Introduction of GIP-TRIAD (UT, NTU, University of Bordeaux, France)
NARO: 連携大学院研究
Lab introduction from National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
PPT, video recording, live
Lab introduction from University of Tsukuba
PPT, video recording, live
Conclusion: Proposals for future cooperation in research and education between the UT, NTU and NPUST
Closing speech

UT: Atsushi ISHII
NPUST: Jik Chang LEONG (Dean, International College)

UT: Ryosuke OHNIWA

NARO: Genkawa Takuma (10min)
NPUST: Albert Lindon CHARLES, Jong Yi FANG, Lekhnath KAFLE (10 min each)
UT: Yutaka KITAMURA (15min),Tofael Ahamed,Ryozo Noguchi(15min)
Chair: Noguchi & Tofael
Speech: NPUST?

Agricultural Machinery, Post Harvest Technology
    (Click to download flyer)

    Broadcasting of video recordings of meetings Part 1

    Broadcasting of video recordings of meetings Part 2

Mar.11 Virtual Roundtable Discussion on Career Development of Ph.D. Students (in Japanese)
 14:00-16:00 第1部                                 司会進行 山下祐司

開会挨拶                       農学学位プログラムリーダー 江前敏晴

話題提供 各10分程度

                               農学学位プログラム 足立泰久

パンデミック下で実施した博士後期課程の水俣実習      環境学学位プログラム 奈佐原顕郎

JST博士学生支援事業          科学技術振興機構 科学技術イノベーション人材育成部

博士課程修了者の就職先としての「国際農研」                JIRCAS 進藤惣治

企業から見た(留学生)博士のキャリアパス および インターシップの実施から採用まで
    ①                          日本工営 DX推進部 勝濱良博
    ②                  東芝インフラシステムズ 吉岡貴行 三井壮一郎


第2部  座談会 30分                           進行 足立泰久


閉会挨拶                          環境学学位プログラム 張 振亜
Organization Committee
Chair Toshiharu Enomae
Co-Chair Ryozo Noguchi
Yasuhisa Adachi
Members (UT)
Neves Marcos Antonio das
Zhongfang Lei
Tian Yuan
Tofael Ahamed
Atsushi Ishii
Yutaka Kitamura
Yuji Yamashita
Kazuya Shimizu
Motoyoshi Kobayashi
Akiko Nakagawa-Izumi
Kenlo Nasahara (Nishida)

(Outside of Tsukuba University)
Keisuke Omori (JIRCAS)
Rofiq Iqbal (Ph-D, Institute of Technology Bandung)
Oviyanti Mulyani (Universitas Padjadjaran)
(will be updated)
Advisory committee (to be considered)
Secretary Sachiko Kamioka
Susumu Sakurai
Auspice Research Unit Bioresource Colloid Engineering
The Electrokinetic Society of Japan
Japanese Society of Soil Physics
Japan Society on Water Environment
The Japanese Society of Agricultural Machinery and Food Engineers
(Will be updated)
Related Events/ Curriculums (Will be updated)
How to join In order to join DSSBEE2022, it is requested to send e-mail to secretary to the effects of your,
1. Name (e-mail address ),
2. Institute & Country,
3. On which day you would like to join,
4. Whether you will join as a simple audience or a speaker.

Please understand that your registration (Name/ Institute / Country) will be reported to University of Tsukuba.

Secretary name & address:
Susumu Sakurai

We will send zoom code later.

国際地縁構成員と環境工学コース構成員の方は、登録いただかなくても、Zoom Code を送りますので、参加登録は不要です。
Member of chien-all(国際地縁構成員), nouko-all(環境工学コース構成員)are not necessary to register.