Colloids and Surfaces A: Special Issue
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VSI: Colloid in Bio-resources
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丂Colloid and Polymer Interfaces in Bio-resources and Environments (Ten year anniversary of RUCEBR and ESJ, TGSW2020)
丂The Research Unit Colloid Engineering in Bio-resources (RUCEB) at Tsukuba University was founded in 2011 to provide a unique platform for interdisciplinary activities on the fundamental issues of colloid and interface in the field of bio-resources and environmental engineering. The electorokinetic society of Japan (ESJ) was also organized at same period to prepare the invitation of the 10th international conference on electrokinetics (ELKIN2012). Since then, a number of domestic conferences, seminars and summer schools have been organized under the flag of RUCEB and ESJ. Tsukuba Global Science Week is annually organized by Tsukuba University to promote all scientific activity of university of Tsukuba. In 2020, RUCEB had undertaken the session on environmental interface engineering based on the dynamic analysis of colloidal flocculation. Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, the original idea was reconsidered to confirm the formation of network of excellence through the activity of last decade. The on-line conference including digital poster session was successfully carried out by the participant of near three hundred researchers and Ph-D students. It again turned out a very precious opportunity to meet and discuss the interdisciplinary activities between colloid and environment in Asia and surrounding countries. Using the opportunity of TGSW2020, the organizing committee of the joint ESJ/TGSW/RUCEB agreed to make an effort to record the current state of the art with relevant topics and the interactive relations. This can be most effectively done by collecting articles contributed to the activity of RUCEB and ESJ. Considering the scope of journal, the organizer of the session of TGSW2020 has concluded to submit this proposal of special issue for the in Colloids and Surfaces. A. Physico-chemical and Engineering Aspects. This activity will be opened to those who are related to all the activity mentioned above. Review and original contributions are considered.
丂Call for papers for paper, electrokinetics, colloid and polymer in bio-resources and environment
-ten year anniversary of electrokinetic Society of Japan-
丂The electro kinetics of Japan was funded in 2011 and has performed unique activities in the domain of fundamental aspects of colloid and polymer, and also their electrokinetics in bio-resources and environments. A number of home-made conferences, summer schools have been conducted collaborating with research unit of colloid engineering in University of Tsukuba. We are sure that the trend will be a certain stream of colloid and interface science oriented bio-resources engineering. This year, we have decided to mark some certain point of our activities. We would like to open this activity to the potential audience in the corresponding domain. We are very much pleased to receive high quality papers with which we can extend our activities in future. Original contributions as well as review papers in the domain of colloid and polymer, and also their electrokinetics in bio-resources and environments are considered in this scope.
Stage Time Paper submission in Elsevier System
- (Invitation to be sent before the first submission date) We will open the window February 1st ,2021.3-4 Months Period of peer-review process
- (Begins when the first submission is received + 4-5 Months)4-5 Months Revised manuscript due + Final acceptance 2 Months Total 9-11 Months