IAP-Post seminars in Tsukuba

(iap2008, Tsukuba Univ., AIST, JSPS, HAS)

As post-IAP events, we will organize two seminars

in Tsukuba. One is organized in AIST on June 6th, the

other is organized in Tsukuba University on June 7th.




Symposium in Polyelectrolyte and Surfactant at Interface (SPSI)

Organized by

Research Center of Advanced Bionics,

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology


Date & Time : June 6, 13:00 -17:00

PlaceFRoom 2101, Main building #1, Central 5, Tsukuba Center,@AIST








Seminar on Colloids and Interfaces in Environments (SCIE)


Date & Time F@June 7,  9:00 - 18:00 

PlaceF@Tsukuba University

Sougoukennkyuthou A  1F  Presen-room





As a post-seminar of IAP2008,@rather small and informal, but intensive discussion on

Colloids and Interfaces in Environments

is organized in Tsukuba University.

The scope include colloidal aspects of humic substances and role of

colloid and interface in the state and transportation of chemical and

bio materials.


Registration fee: 2000yen (including lunch and refreshment, pay at conference site)






Those who would like to join this (or these) seminar(s),

please contact Dr. Kazuyoshi Ogawa by filling the form(s)

attached below.


Dr. Kazuyoshi Ogawa

Tsukuba University,

Graduate School of Life and Environmental Science

tel. 81-29-853-7211



-------form@for SPSI---------------------


Name______________ Country__________


‚lail address____________________QQQ


I will join SPSI.


-------form@for SCIE---------------------


Name______________ Country__________


‚lail address____________________


I will join SCIE.

I would like to present (poster/no)


Title ______________________________


Please send your abstract (A4, 1.sheet) when you submit registration form.

pdf is preferable, but we accept text or word.

Those who will make presentation is required to send abstract by May 24.

Your same poster as iap2008 is welcome.


----form for accommodation-----------------

Please let us know at your earliest convenience. (deadline May 27).



Economical university accommodation is available for participants of these seminar.

I prefer to stay university guest house

from the night of  June ____@to ____. (single / double)


Further questions if any___________QQQQQQQQ


       ` 3000 yen for single w/ breakfast.


We can receive approx 50 participants for each seminar.